Funding: ADEME
EIGSI Project Manager: Nicolas Malhéné
Duration: September 2013 – August 2015
Partners: CDA La Rochelle, Proxiway, Geoloc Systems, ATMO
Description: more than 80% of the French population is expected to live in cities by 2020, making it more and more difficult and complicated to supply urban areas. Urban freight transport is criticised for adversely impacting the air quality in cities. At a time when AOMDs (Organizing Authorities for Sustainable Mobility) are being created, it is essential for local stakeholders to collect and analyse information in this field. COLIS URBAIN aims to explore and combine various levers to reduce the impact of the last mile on air quality and noise.
The project is part of the Urban Mobility Plan of La Rochelle, which is breaking new ground by becoming the first French city to be directly involved in the organisation of urban freight transport via the ELCIDIS urban platform. Using electric vehicles and operated through a Public Service Delegation (PROXIWAY), this platform is helping to improve air quality in La Rochelle and has attracted the interest of many large metro areas. Plans call for the platform to be relocated in the near future, with no decrease in performance.
The COLIS URBAIN project aims to strengthen the analytical methods of local stakeholders to define new urban logistics plans which revolve around three main components:
- Organisational – the project is in keeping with the rational use of transport resources based on a strategy of pooling (goods/goods) and mixed-use (goods/passenger) in and around the city centre,
- Technological – the project promotes electric vehicles in the city centre,
- Informational – COLIS URBAIN aims to develop a decision support tool enabling decision makers to adapt transportation resources on demand with the aim of reducing the impact on air quality.