The research conducted at LERPA covers the whole of the electric machinery value chain right up to the injection of current into the power grid. LERPA is a mini Smart Grid focused on all of the new technologies associated with renewable energy, particularly marine renewable energy. Its expertise encompasses the sizing and optimisation of multi-source systems including storage means and development of energy-saving and control support tools.
Laboratory manager: Damien Voyer

Theses in progress

Projects in progress

Duration: April 2019 – September 2022
Explanation of the project:
The PORTOS project is being conducted with 14 partners from five different countries (Portugal, France, Spain, England and Ireland). Its aim is to develop and promote the implementation of marine renewable energy (MRE) solutions within ports in a bid to increase their energy self-sufficiency.

Completed projects
TURNKEY project
Duration: January 2014 – June 2015
TURNKEY is a transnational cooperation project geared towards harnessing the potential of marine and coastal renewable energy in a sustainable manner while ensuring economic vitality, well-being and environmental protection.
Duration: 2013-2014
The ENERGYMARE project sets out to drive sustainable development of marine renewable energy in the Atlantic Area by:
- Developing a transnational cooperation network among Atlantic regions.
- Overcoming the difficulties related to the exploitation of MRE (Marine Renewable Energy).
- Improving knowledge of the marine environment to optimise MRE exploitation.
- Exploring the potential of different sources of marine energy transnationally.
- Developing joint experimentation.
ARCOPOL project
Duration: January 2014 – June 2015
The ARCOPOL project aims to improve maritime safety and strengthen coastal protection against marine pollution.
ISDAMP project
Duration: January 2013 – December 2014
The project partners share their experiences and digital tools to produce a decision-support software based on coastal hydrodynamics and the positioning of floating booms. This software will help to develop preparedness plans for local authorities (General Council of Charente Maritime) and commercial ports (Falmouth, Rochefort, Lisbon) in the event of oil spills.
EVER project
Duration: June 2012 – June 2015
The EVER project’s main objective is to evaluate on a real-life scale what could be the business model of a charging infrastructure operator in the specific environment of self-service electric vehicles such as Yelomobile, Autobleue and Autolib.

LERPA publications
See LERPA publications

Key partnerships
The LERPA laboratory works closely with the Foundation for Research, Development and Innovation in Science and Engineering (FRDISI).
LERPA is also a partner of the National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (INRIA) through the MONC (Modelling in Oncology) team