Thesis title
Optimising the energy efficiency of Cloud data centres and of the multimodal inter-Cloud network.
Thesis subject
Humanity is currently living through a game-changing digital revolution. Ever since Cloud Computing systems first emerged, data centre (DC) owners have had to cater to a continuous demand for Cloud services. Depending on the type of service and users’ need, this demand will either require a high intensity of computing power, storage or network transfer. Such a transition to these systems undoubtedly comes with significant environmental consequences, mainly associated with the massive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). These technologies can globally be classified as physical resources of intra-Cloud computing as well as resources of the extensive inter-Cloud network routing queries between customers and DCs and/or between DCs. Not only does the production cycle of these technologies wreak environmental damage, but the use of such resources is extremely energy-intensive. Furthermore, this high energy consumption masks a significant share of carbon emissions associated with the polluting energy sources used.
The main aim of this thesis is to develop a Smart and eco-responsible framework for managing Cloud resources, which can adapt to this unavoidable necessity to transfer, store and process data, whilst enhancing the energy efficiency of the resources as a whole.
-Opt for a greener, more energy-efficient use of Cloud services, whilst safeguarding their quality.
-Develop a platform for analysing and coordinating Cloud services, designed to perform real-time collection of observability data in hybrid and highly dynamic Cloud environments in a bid to provide a decision support tool shoring up our proposed Framework, on the basis of the multilayer metrics collected and viewed.
Ikhlasse Hamzaoui is a Moroccan PhD student who was born in 1995. After a two-year foundation programme to enrol in an engineering school, and three years of study there, she graduated from Casablanca’s Engineering School for the Textiles and Clothing Industries (ESITH) with a State engineering degree in industrial systems management and IT in 2018. Not long afterwards, she began studying for a PhD at Casablanca’s ENSEM, in partnership with EIGSI La Rochelle. The main aim of her thesis is to develop a smart, sustainable framework for managing cloud resources, which can adapt to the unavoidable necessity to transfer, store and process multimodal cloud data. With a multidisciplinary skill set under her belt, her current research interests bear on green computing, green software engineering, cloud computing and multimodal IT communications among other themes.