EIGSI La Rochelle has developed active partnerships with leading businesses and industrial firms. Each year a new company sponsors the entering EIGSI engineering cycle graduating class.
This sponsorship is based on values shared by the school and the partner company: team spirit, respect, innovation, openness and commitment. But above all this sponsorship is a partnership that is built over time, since the sponsor must be present from the very beginning of the Engineering Cycle (EIGSI-3) until graduation, three years later.
The sponsor is actively involved in the lives of the EIGSI engineering students in order to create an esprit de corps within a graduating class that includes new incoming students from preparatory classes, gateway year and IUTs.
Specifically, the relationship between the sponsor and the graduating class is based on three main areas: exclusive internship offers, conferences and dedicated activities.
For EIGSI engineering students, sponsorship is a real springboard and an opportunity to network with executives from large corporations. The students acquire skills and technical and organizational knowledge through a prestigious sponsor.

The sponsor of the 2015 graduating glass is Vinci Energies, an international corporation with operations in 40 countries, including 20 in Europe.
In September 2013, the sponsor of the 2016 graduating class was EDF, another company in the energy sector.